This morning my husband called : you have to come outside, there is a bird in a tree making a noise I haven’t heard before. Neither had I.
It was the first and only Lewin’s Honeyeater young calling for its parents to come and feed. It was looking up into the tree, but there wasn’t any parent, so after some more loud screaming, it simply flew back into the shrub where the nest is well hidden. Clever little bird.
I thought the young I saw last year might have been a bit older, because it looked just like the parents, but so does this one. I’m sure it hasn’t been out of the nest for long? It’s just smaller and the beak is shorter. Or could I be wrong? Does anyone have photos of a younger Lewin’s? What do you think?
Can't help with the info on Lewin's M-L, but what a gorgeous capture of an equally gorgeous bird. You can see in it's face the expectation, waiting for a parent to answer it with a mouthful of food. So lovely.
West Coast Tasmania
Great shots, M-L. Can't help though, i don't have baby anything shots yet
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks guys, I know it's a young one, just a question, is it an older young one, or is it brand new?
Lovely pics, and a great tale to go with it.
"Mummmmm my mouth is empty! Fix it!"
Sorry, can't help on the age question.