Bar-shouldered Dove

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pacman's picture
Bar-shouldered Dove

another from my today's drive - Upsalls Creek Rd, near Kendall, NSW

and 2 file pics - 1st at Tinchi Tamba Wetlands, Bald Hills, Brisbane in 4/11 and the 2nd at Kumbartcho Centre, Eatons Hill, Brisbane in 1/12

clif2's picture

Good shots Peter, I love the doves and pigeons they can be so beautiful to look at.



Araminta's picture

Nice photos, you must have lots of doves, I've not seen those before. I only have Bronze Wings. There were many last year, but only one lone pair this year, can't se a reason why?


Woko's picture

Bronzewings are seed eaters. Perhaps the seed production in your neighbourhood is down this year, Araminta.

Karen's picture

I do love the bar shouldered doves.  Used to see them at Mt. Cotton all the time, and never tired of seeing them, but as they destroyed the bush, so they destroy the birds and animals there too.  The destruction of Mt. Cotton and the many animals and birds there is just plain criminal.

Brisbane southside.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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