Can't tell you how happy I am !! Two weeks ago, in a fit of madness, I cleaned my windows. Two days later my friendly B Thrush, the one that has been around my house for so long ,hit the window. She was on the ground for a long time covered with a towel., before she flew off.
I hadn't seen her since then.I thought there must have bleeding on her brain, and she would have died later.?
Just then I saw her outside my window looking for worms, SHE MADE IT!
(I told her, I will not clean my windows again)
here is a photo of her, I took earlier:
Stunning photo M-L! Gosh the detailed scalloping pattern is beautiful.
So glad she was OK after the window accident - its a nice excuse to do less housework I think
Haha Holly , housework is not only a killer of birds, people have horrible accidents on wet floors.....we are much better off outside taking photos of birds.
You owe it to the birds and to humanity to do less housework M-L
That Is Good news M-L. I had this happen to me with a kingfisher and was concerned and went and picked it up to see if it was ok, where it just sat in my hands for a short while then flew off without incident, I was also privileged to have a close up look at the kingfisher while it sat in my hands which was a fond memory indeed.
Thanks Shane, unfortunately though unless we see the bird again they more often than not, die somewhere else. The impact on their little brains is so massive, that there will be some bleeding. That slowly kills them later, when we dont see it. The impact is as if you would hit a brick wall at 100km nose first.
Hope your little kingfisher made it.
Great shot M-L. Birds will always crash into windows, I've seen a lorikeet crack the tintng on a neighbour's window at fairly low speed and it just flew off with its mates!
Cheers, Owen.
What a stunning photo Marie-Louise! As Holly said, the feather patterns are showing just perfectly.
Thanks guys.
Akos, i have about 30 more like this photo. LOL The birds know me, this one follows me and is very tame.My husband tells me I'm a strange woman. Yellow Robins sit on my feet, King Parrots sit on my car when I come home, they think I'm one of them, I'm sure.
what a great photo