Immature Red wing Parrot . Had a fully collared male lined up , bloody kids
Upside down Red collared Lorikeet .
Poor pic of a Northern Rosella , but I finally got one .
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Great photos! I really like the third one
Well done
Yes, like Elsie says, No3 is stunning But the Northern Rosella is gorgeous, I love the soft colours. Wouldn't I love to see one?
(Will I ever make it up north? My daughter had a boyfriend in Darwin once, but since it didn't last.....too bad)
Another for #3. Looks like you have been having a great holiday.
I must go to the Territory one day. (but it is so hot there, i prefer the winter in Canberra)
Shorty......Canon gear
No way , I don't thaw out until it gets above 30. Adelaide winters are to cold for me