Hey gang
BIBY is partnering with National Parks Association of NSW and Sydney Uni on a citizen science project to try and work out who are using our birdbaths! We know that birdbaths are an incredibly common feature of bird-friendly gardens but we don't really know which birds use them (and if there are any influences of garden characteristics and behaviours). The survey is open Australia-wide!
All you need to do to get involved is:
- register on www.bathingbirds.org.au
- set your garden location and answer a few questions about your garden and birdbath
- between June 27 and July 27 - survey your birdbath for 20 mins at least once a week (up to 3 times each week)
There are more details in our Q and A section. Otherwise ask me or contact Grainne Cleary: grainnec@npansw.org.au
We are going to repeat the survey in January to compare summer and winter patterns - so you can get involved now, in summer, or both!
You also have the chance to win some great prizes So if you don't have a birdbath - get one so you can take part!
Thank you for bringing this up, Holly - will we get an e-mail reminder the day before or so?
I will be featuring it in the next BIBY newsletter - due out in a couple of weeks. If you sign up though whenever you like, we will be sending emails out regularly (we are sending one out this week) for those people participating including one either the day before or on the day the project starts.
You need to set your garden location and answer the garden questions before you can submit your surveys so its handy to sign up ahead of time. It only takes 5 to 10 mins max.