Beautiful Firetail

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Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture
Beautiful Firetail

One and only photo of a young, very Beautiful Firetail today, and first decent one's of a Rockwarbler and Variegated Fairy-wren. There was a group of Firetails together with a group of V. Fairy-wrens which both had young. Glenbrook, Lower Blue Mountains, NSW.

Sorry about the quality of the last 2 preview has messed the colour up.


Great collection of photos and sightings - would  be 2 new ones there for me!



Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

I assume the Firetail and Rocky? I see Rockwarbler's all the time, one of my favourite's.


Yes those two .... understand why the RockWarbler is one of your favs ... a beautiful looking bird

Canonguy's picture

I'm yet to even hear a Beautiful Firetail on the lower side of Springwood. Well done. Were yiu arou d the Euroka area by chance? Admittedly through there's plenty of good looking vegetation all arond the park.

One of the neatest bushbirds I've seen in Glenbrook near the Mt Portal waterhole was a pair of Spotted Quail Thrush.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Well it surprised me where I found it considering I wasn't expecting to something like at the start of a walk I was doing. I found them just past the carpark about 5 minutes down the Jellybean Pool Track. I've seen 2 before at Mt Hay in the Upper Mountains last year.

We didn't see any Quail-thrushes unfortunately.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Actually on the Atlas of NSW Wildlife there is a record a bit further south, from 1990 though.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Saw some more Beautiful Firetails today in Leura, Upper Mountains.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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