This photo came 3rd in a recent DP Review competition. It was a closely contested challenge with 544 entries. I am delighted and thought to share with all of you.
It was taken at Kaziranga National Park in India. Some people may feel inappropriate posting in this forum - my apology in advance.
Chestnut-headed Bee eater
thank you for posting pics of this lovely bird
it prompted me to do a Wikipedia search - I found that this species does not have the tail streamers that other Bee-eater species have
from there I went to the European Bee-eater and got a good laugh from this entry
Turkey conspiracy
In May 2012, Turkish authorities turned over a dead European Bee-eater for inspection by the security services on suspicion of being an Israeli spy. The bird's leg had a tag that said "Israel", and the authorities claimed that the bird's nostrils were abnormally large and hosting surveillance equipment. The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel responded that the tagging of birds' legs for tracking purposes is routine.[1]
Oh goodness, Peter, what has the world come to? Mind you, I guess birds (pigeons) have been used for a long time one way or another.
Nahar, they are beauties, and it is a great pic.
Brisbane southside.
Update - the Turkish conspiracy paragraph has now been removed form the European Bee-eater page