Just over two years ago I received a call from my friend on a Sunday afternoon and he said: come out to Bushell's Lagoon!Perfect light and wind for flight and there are birds everywhere. I was "allowed" to go, actually, I was rather surprised! While we stood on the causeway, I noticed this Black-shouldered Kite hovering over the field. I wish I had a super tele for the shot, but I didn't so had to work with my 300/1.4x combo. This is one of my fave shots. For those who don't try to photograph birds of prey (especially this species) would know that to get the light and wind from the same direction is the most ideal set-up to capture birds in flight. These BSKs have a terrible habit of hovering while hunting, but they face AWAY from the sun. Here, the bird had NO choice, because of the westerly wind and setting sun! Yippee!
Nice shot Akos... you can see the wind ruffling the wing feathers up.I can't wait to see the new lens get a workout but I will be extremely jealous of course... then again...at least I can hold my lens for more than 60 seconds LOL
Sunshine Coast Queensland
THe 600/4L is super heavy and I can handhold for about 30-60 seconds, but then get a bit shaky. Now my new toy is only 3.9kg plus camera of course, but I will have a tripod as you know. Funny, my Wimberley head and Flash bracket are already on a flight ex-New York. I reckon I will have those and my tripod will get here sooner than that silly 500/4L. :-(
Stunning flight shot Akos. lucky to catch him facing you with the sun behind. It has a very bright red eye which looks cool.
Cheers, Owen.
Ahhh Akos, you are a pool of knowledge. I did shoot the BSK last week. Not on purpose, i mean I just happen to find it and I didn't even know what particular BOP it was at the time. But now that you mention it yeah, i know what you mean. He WAS definitely facing away from the sun. I think at that location it would be better to go during a southerly wind and morning so sun and wind hits it head on. Thanks for the tip.
and geez mate. You have a 600 F4, AND a 500 F4L???? Nice toys. :) And yeah, top shot. You got a lot of detail on him.
I was born to live and I live to die.
That is a beautiful, beautiful photo. It looks like an angel to me.
Thanks for the tip about the wind and the light. I knew they hovered into the wind, rather than true hovering like a hummingbird, but I didn't think about how that would relate to photographs. I'll think about it now when I see a hovering BOP
Our house is becoming a happy hunting ground for mice AND rats at the moment.
We've even got a wild cat here at the moment that none of us dare scare away.
But whats so annoying about the whole feral bit is.....on Sunday afternoon, a Brown Goshawk flew through the vege garden, grabbed a Magpie who was looking for worms and bye bye Maggie.
You'd think the BG could have got a rat or mouse........
Very nice photo, you have to love it when the elements work for you.
I love photography.
Great shot Windhover.
Thanks for looking everyone.
Ace, I occasionally borrow my friend's Nikon 600/4VR when we are shooting together. I am soon getting my own 500/4L IS lens after almost ten years waiting for one. :) With birds, the longer lens you can have the better you will be able to capitalize on opportunities in the field. :) BTW, you can contact me via my web site and we can work out a day for shooting. I need to get OK from my boss as well! ;)
Beautiful shot. Particularly like the lowered landing gear.
Beautiful; nice to have the wind direction and light in your favour and you've taken great advantage of the situation. I reckon this is the best way to present this species. I look forward to seeing your work with the new toy.
Melbourne, VIC
Akos: 500/f4 i think is just a perfect size after playing with Wolfy's Sigma 500/4.5. I think your Canon will be a bit larger but still I think manageable. I was able to shoot the Sigma offhand and it has no image stbilisation. Yes provided there is good light.
I can't imagine how excited you must be with that lens on its way. I don't think I would sleep. Yeah i love my toys and I am a bit of a geek. :)
And no problem. Will contact you through your website.
I was born to live and I live to die.
Very nice mate