Birds at Raymond Terrace

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Birds at Raymond Terrace

Hi everyone
I popped over to Raymond Terrace today and had a look at the birds around the pond. The first group I haven't been able to identify - they were all together on a power line. They have a black head, black tail, white breast and belly, stout beak, square tail and what looks like long thin points on the wings.

Power line birds

Rufous (Nankeen) night heron

Pacific black ducks

Little black cormorants

Royal spoonbill - see lovely texture on bill

Royal spoonbill - bombs away! - it is amazing the shots you get when you least expect to!


Nice shots Birdgirl,hope you were under cover when that bomb was dropped!

al's picture

seven white-breasted woodswallos ...clumping.


Love the photo of the woodswallows and the beautiful patterning on the bill of the spoonbill, well done and thanks for showing.

heva1's picture

lovely series Birdgirl, the royal spoonbill one is great timing (even if accidentally!)are the orange dots its eyes?and yes I agree beautiful texture on the bill.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

bygum's picture

A really nice set for sure , Thats what fun about photography when you capture the unxpected.

A Photo is only as good as the eyes that look at it.

birdie's picture

Go Birdgirl

That is a lovely set of photos!! I am green with envy at the spoonbills LOL. Lovely woodswallows and you must have been
very happy with that outing

well done



Sunshine Coast Queensland

Lyn's picture

Haven't visited for a while - and it is lovely to see your set.
My garden birds are quiet and I havn't had the opportunity to venture far for bird shots.
The woodswallows are gorgeous, and I like the spoonbill in #5.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks for the ID. They looked so cute. The orange markings are in the postion of eyebrows


Nice series of shots Birdgirl and well done getting the Heron, I have had no luck with them yet.
Hev the Spoonbill is in Full breeding plumage hence the orange brows.

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