Birds at Raymond Terrace today

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Birds at Raymond Terrace today

I saw some nice water birds at Raymond Terrace today and 4 little grey ones lined up on a branch. I also saw adult and juvenile rufous night herons

Little pied cormorant

Royal spoonbills

Small birds that line up all touching each other

Adult rufous night heron

Juvenile rufous night heron

GeorgeP's picture

Nice shots, Birdgirl. I like those Royal Spoonbill shots. The little birds are White-breasted Woodswallows and they are my favourite species of Woodswallow. Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

birdie's picture

Where is Raymond Terrace that you find such a great array?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

tarkineus's picture

Another nice collection sis, and I'll never understand how you can have so many different species apparently all so close to you. No matter where I go I seem to see the same half dozen species over and again.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

heva1's picture

Hey Tark... sounds like you need to get your binoculars fixed as well as your lens LOL ...just kidding:) funny how other peoples 'local' birds seem more interesting eh?

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

aa's picture

heaps of birds there birdgirl, good set :)

tarkineus's picture

hev, binoculars? ... never heard of them!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

George thanks for the id
Birdie - Raymond Terrace is about 2h north of Sydney; about 10 min from me. These were taken around some large ponds that have an island in the middle so birds can roost and nest safely
Tark - the trick is looking at lots of different habitats. I look for the birds of prey in open grasslands with tall gum trees on the fringes; go around ponds, swamps and wetlands(with my anti-snake gumboots on!) and near the coast in Newcastle. Also listening - listen for the bird calls then look for the birds

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdgirl
Some really nice shots that is a very nice little pond but has to many domestic birds there now. The juv RNH has some one keeping an eye on you did you notice(his dad).
Did you manage to go along new line road to the swamp lots of ducks and stilts at the moment. top shots;

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi Smeedingo2 - where is the swamp? I just walked around the ponds opposite McDonalds. Thanks for pointing out Dad - I hadn't noticed

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdgirl
If you go to the round-about and turn right that is newline road half way along the road past the dump on your right (if you go to the end of newline road and turn left and then go to the end of that road and turn left it will take you back to R.T.)
There are the swamps and the parks to visit.

Birdgirl2009's picture

smeedingo2 - Thanks for that. I'll go a bit further next time

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