Birds in local pond

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Birds in local pond

After I went to the wetlands I went for a walk around my local ponds (without the dog). I discoved birds I have not seen there before - yellow-rumped thornbills. A royal spoonbill dropped in and I found out I have another thing to learn - exposure compensation. I really like its textured bill and yellow eyebrows.

Masked woodswallow I think

Dusky moorhen

Red-rumped parrot

Royal spoonbill

Royal spoonbill

Yellow-rumped thornbill


Raoul's picture

You did well birdgirl! that masked woodswallow looks similar to the black faced cuckoo shrike.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Raoul I think you are right. I have pulled out another bird book and the black-faced cuckoo-shrike has a white belly and the masked woodswallow has a grey belly

smeedingo2's picture

Excellent shots I hadn't seen the bills so close before.

tarkineus's picture

Nice ones birdgirl, you definately have caught on to cropping to your subject. My fav is #2, a purple breasted swamp hen, I think.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

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