Black-shouldered kite

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Black-shouldered kite

I went out today to look for birds of prey, especially black-shouldered kites, as I said on Hev's thread. I went to the tree with the whistling kite nests and sadly there was a recently dead whistling kite near the base of the tree (maybe their juvenile but I don't know if they nested because I haven't been there for more than 6 months). I left and walked along the footpath because I had seen 2 birds of prey on the power lines as I drove in. One was a black-shouldered kite and one was a nankeen kestrel, which flew away as soon as I approached. I was able to approach the black-shouldered kite on the loudest gravel track in the world and get some photos between clouds (70-80% cloud cover, Birdie and Hev!). I also got a female red-rumped parrot near the whistling kites

black-shouldered kite - watching me

Nankeen kestrel - photo-shy

female red-rumped parrot

Birdgirl2009's picture

I'll repost 2 black-shouldered kite photos now I've applied some sharpness

Windhover's picture

They are nice shots. I love BS Kites. :) I actually had the fortune of one hovering right in front of me in the Lowlands of Richmond (NSW). About one minute earlier I was watching it a few hundred meters away wishing for the moment. As I followed it along he decided to hover right next to the road and I could carefully approach and photograph it. Sadly, the light was just atrocious. :(

Windhover's picture
Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi Windhover - loved your photo

bushanwater's picture

yep, they are an awesome little BOP and I love the way they look at you like they are really interested in what you are doing. Love the Red Rumps as well.

See Yez

heva1's picture

Hi Birdgirl, and that's a cloudy day?? pah!! great shots, looks like you were right below the BSK'S, lucky. You get some lovely coloured parrots up there, or maybe they're just different to Vic.and I'm not used to seeing them (grass is always greener eh?)

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

I don't think they really needed the sharpening birdgirl!
They are awesome. And I agree with Trev, the way they look at you is amazing

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Great shots! Personally I love the Black-Shouldered Kites and Just about every type of Parrot! Again, Great shots.


Also, I hope you don't mind if I ask, where did you find these birds?


Lol, I wish I could go for a walk to see some bird of prey and find black shouldered kites etc. Most I've ever seen is a Goshawk which is currently residing in the area, one grey morph one white morph, and I was surprised to see a flock of Turtle Spotted Doves and Indian Mynas flying away until I saw the Goshawk wheeling around high in the sky, beautiful birds.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks everyone
Grigsbi - I see them in some of the flat open land between Newcastle and Maitland in NSW
Perthwings - I love the photo of the sparrowhawk

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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