Blue Sky

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Raoul's picture
Blue Sky

Blue sky, finally the rain has stopped for a while in W.A. went to my favourite haunt the Canning river and was surprised at how much of the surrounding ground was under water,the White faced heron was having a feast on frogs as they seemed to be every wheres by their croaking sounds.
Shot this magpie just to show you the blue sky,also came across this nesting Dart and a Rainbow Lorikeet .

Lyn's picture

We are getting your rain now I think! Flash flooding in the hills today. Photos are lovely. How high in the tree was the Dart?

aa's picture

are there lots of small birds too in canning??

good takes mate :)

GeorgeP's picture

Nice bunch of riverside birds, Raoul. We'll gladly take some of your rain. Send it over mate.


Melbourne, VIC

Raoul's picture

Thanks for your comments guys, Lyn the tree is right on the rivers edge and the nest is about 4 metres high. aa plenty of small birds here but the problem is seeing them and getting them to stand still.


Gidday Raoul,nice shots there mate,Lyn asked the question I was wondering about the Dart.
Thanks for sharing mate,well done.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Glad you have some sun. We haven't had too much rain but have had grey skies and 'possible showers' almost every day. Hard to photogrpah with the glare. Nice birds. The darter was a lucky find

aa's picture

thanks mate! well, maybe i have to bring some snack to nibble while waiting for them to stand still hehehe

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