Dads trip 2

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reckless's picture
Dads trip 2

Glad i name all the last ones write. Pls correct if i get these ones wrong.another brahminy kiteosprey[/img]Pink ear-duckBlue faced HEBrown HESpangled Drongo

reckless's picture


More great shots, that Kite is striking.

GeorgeP's picture

I have enjoyed viewing both sets. Your dad is quite a photographer. Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

sparrow's picture

Amazing set of photos the pink eared duck is a stunning little bird we used to see flocks of them but i havent seen one for years

Woko's picture

Terrific to see these shots of birds from a part of Australia I last visited before I was interested in birds.

Owen1's picture

Nice range and equally good shots. I have gone looking at the WTP for the Pink-eared Duck but I have never found one. I would love to know where in the plant I can find them!

Cheers, Owen.

reckless's picture

Thanks for all the positive feed back.
Dad took the Pink eared duck some where around West wylong. Some where on the main highway there was a bird hide sign and the pulled in for a break. I havn't seen any around WTP or SE VIC. The one pictured was also alone.

birdie's picture

Reckless... your Dad is a great photographer and he sure got the most beautiful selection there. Does he work in this field or just holidaying and does he live up this way ? I am not sure if you live with him or not..... and a last question ...did he get you into birds or vice versa?
Love them all in this set :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

rjwaring's picture

Great shots reckless, the Brahminy is especially striking and the Drongo has a wonderful pose highlighting the sheens in the feathers.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

reckless's picture

Cheers all, Dad is over whelmed by all your replies.
Birdie, The old man is retired and just goes away in his campervan every now and then. He lives about a km away from me way down here.
We have always been into birds but i got he's full attention about 2 years ago when i started taking pic's. He's picked it up really quick. He did a short basic course to learn about the camera and hasn't looked back.
I get jealous alot when he gets away and when i'm working on a nice sunny day and he's out in the field. But we do learn alot from each other which has helped us both.

Woko's picture

Nice one, reckless. You have a great relationship with your dad it seems.

wolfy's picture

Wow, great set.


I love photography.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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