This morning I went to a favourite place I haven't been to for a few months and saw lots of whistling kites
I saw one drop to the ground to get prey. It's right in the middle. You don't often see them on the ground
It leaned over to pick the prey up
It took off with the prey in its talons and its head bowed down looking at it
Prey is in its talons
One flew towards me
It was looking down at me
It flew around me in slow circles
I had my camo gear on
Maybe it was trying to work out if I was animal, vegetable or mineral
I saw this BOP flying very high. It was small and dark.
The wings in this shot make it look like a Little falcon/Australian hobby
I also saw a white-bellied sea eagle
Different whistling kites
Mon, 19/09/2011 - 07:37
Different whistling kites
This is the take off. I don't know why it didn't post
WOW!!! u lucky thing!! great shots, really great. Go the camo gear too. ;'):')
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.