Crimson finches:
Masked finch:
Long-tailed finch:
Some Star finches that weren't very close!
And a Gouldian finch (with Yellow-rumped Manikins) that were even further away!
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WOW you managed to get photos of most of my favourite finches,can i ask where the shots were taken
What a lot of different finches to find in the wild. Around here we have heaps of red-browed but the only other type I've seen is Chestnut-brested mannikin
We get only introduced finches in Hobart that I've seen - Goldfinches and Greenfinches.
I'm surprised you don't get Double-bars BirdGirl...?
I LOVE finches!
Sorry Sparrow, missed your message:
Gouldians: Buntine H'way, near Humbles Creek (if you're ever driving from N.T. into northern W.A., I STRONGLY recommend heading south on the Buntine H'way for even 10-20km. Renowned as being good for more 'interior' birds. Did this twice on my trip, and saw (that I didn't see ANYWHERE else on the trip) Spotted Harrier repeatedly, Diamond Doves, cockatiels, Gouldian finches, Chestnut-breasted mannikins... (admittedly, time of year would alter what you see where...).
Star finches: Kunnanurra sewage ponds.
Long-tailed: Lake Argyle
Remaining: H'way stops between Timber Creek, NT and WA border.
Timber Creek is a GREAT place for finches in N.T. I saw: Yellow-rumped Manikins, Double-barrs, Masked, Long-tailed, and Crimson finches all easily on small walks from town, along with various honeyeater species.
Anyway, enough ranting,
Lovely shots, we have had the European in our garden only twice :( how lucky you are too see the range you did.Love the Masked Finch what a beauty. Thanks for posting.
Very nice photos. The finches can be quite tricky to photograph in my experience. Well done.
Nice shots of these gorgeous little creatures, Scott.
@ Sparrow the part of the world that Scott mentioned is great for finches and I would highly recommend it. During the dry season, sprinklers seem to attract large flocks of finches. At the caravan park in Kununurra, we had Star Finches visiting a lawn sprinkler barely 10m from our caravan.
Melbourne, VIC