Fun at Mount Remarkable National Park

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laurius's picture
Fun at Mount Remarkable National Park

Finally I got through all of our little road trip photos. There were minutes of disappointment watching all those blurry shots, but still there are few decent pictures left :) Here are some from Mount Remarkable National Park.

Here are the birds, I couldn't get close to.

Grey Butcherbird

A couple of Diamond Doves

Peaceful Dove

Sacred Kingfisher

Variegated Fairy Wren after the rain

Those were more tolerant to my presence.

White-browed Babbler

Yellow-throated Miner juveniles

Little drama. Australian (or any other raven, not sure how to distinguish them) vs Willie Wagtail.


...and run.

And again.

Willie is really a tough guy.

What have just happened?

And my favourite

Occupied Swallow. Went to shower in the evening and found this beauty staring at me :)

Araminta's picture

What a great set of photos. Like you , I like the Swallow in the shower best. But then again the Willie Wagtail flying an attack ,is amazing! M-L


Owen1's picture

Well done nice shots. I would kill to see those two Doves!

Cheers, Owen.

Tazrandus's picture

Awesome shots, Laurius! A great variety of birds, a little scene and a swallow in the shower! What a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing, they're a great delight to go through :)


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