Lots of bird action at the moment. Spring is almost here and the birds are becoming a little more active. That huge fireball in the sky has also been visible this weekend.
Little wattlebird in garden.
Possessive Noisy Miner.
Rose Robin (male) - I can't get enough of these cuties.
Garden and park birds.
Mon, 24/08/2009 - 05:19
Garden and park birds.
Very nice images George, well done mate,thanks.
HI George
Love the robin to mate top shots.
Hi George
Great shots, we only see the NM here and then only every now and then.The RR could just make it up here but I have never seen one.
Ed Townsville NQ
Great shots there George, all nicely framed. I recognise the Little Wattlebird right away of course, but I've never seen either the PNM or the RR yet.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Lovely sharp photos. The rose robin is gorgeous. Thanks for the advice on the continuous focussing - I haven't had time to read the manual yet, but I have left your message in my inbox so I don't forget
Thanks all for your comments.
The Rose Robins are over-wintering in our neighbourhood and I expect them to leave soon. They should be in your area Tark. As for the Noisy Miners, anyone who wants them can have 'em. They're the bullies of the park and have pushed out alot of birds.
Melbourne, VIC
Thanks for the info George. Today my auto focus went belly up. Lens still under warranty - maybe a month before I get it back and maybe the RR's will be gone. Meanwhile I'm out of the birding business.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Well done George,nice selection of birds nice color and sharp pics..