It stood so still that at first I thought it was a moulded concrete ornament that some dag had put there for a lark. (get it!). This bird wastes no energy at all, it stands as still as marble. I watched it for over an hour folowing it around the marsh.
Great White Egret
Sun, 16/08/2009 - 01:30

Great White Egret
Yes, I got it, you dag! ;)
great photos, mate..
LMAO! Thanks steve ... ;D
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Good shots Tark,thanks for sharing mate.
Nice series of shots of this elegant bird, Tark. Good play on words, too. I'm pleased to hear that the weather has improved and that you're out there photographing the birds.
Melbourne, VIC
"Elegant" sure is the right word! I love the 1st shot Tark - bet you enjoyed getting out at last.
Tassie, thanks mate.
Thanks George, it was reat while it lasted but unfortunately our weather has turned nasty again. At least that gives me plenty of time to answer threads, edit pics and catch up on my mail!
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Thanks Lyn, and yes, it was good to see the sun again ... we had almost forgotten what it looks and feels like.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
HI Tark
LOL and nice shots mate.
OK Tark I'll ask the dumb question..........LMAO?
Aren't they beautiful in flight?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks dingo.
Hi Birdie - yes, beautiful indeed. In flight they appear as languid as they do on the ground. Everything they do seems to be in slow motion ... like me, so Sandra says!
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour