Ground Zero

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tarkineus's picture
Ground Zero

Wattlebird with dangly earings seen yesterday at our Botanic Gardens. Winter's leafless trees aren't so pretty at the moment but birds that perch in them are easier to shoot. I risked my nice clean lens by standing at ground zero.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Your photo shows the wattle very well. I have had the experience of standing too close to a rainbow lorikeet! Can't you sleep?!?

GeorgeP's picture

You're a brave man ! Nice shot of this yellow wattlebird, Tark. This is one species that I have not see in over 10 years. Must get back to King Is or Tassie for some of the endemics.


Melbourne, VIC

smeedingo2's picture

HI Tark
I have never seen the yellow one either we have the red here and as soon as I find there nest this year I will post a pic they have nested every other year.
Keep a close eye on them but not to

tarkineus's picture

Hi Birdgirl, I think we've all been humiliated at one time or another during our lifetime ... though fortunately not often!
As for sleep, I take my 7/24 hours of it whenever it suits me best, as a retiree I don't need to abide by accepted norms! And as I've mentioned elsewhere, my Virgin wireless BB network gets completely clogged during out-of-school hours by the Utube / Facebook social networking brigade. Typically, this demographic crashes around 2:00am.
Thanks George and smeeding. I'm regret not getting a clear shot of it. The only aspect unhindered by a lacework of twigs and branches was from directly below.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour


Thanks Tark, I have not seen one before.
Good shots.

tarkineus's picture

Thanks Tassie, I've been busier than the proverbial one-armed taxi driver. Yesterday drove 200kms to Bruny Is. and came home with only one (1) keeper!!! So today I went to Primrose Sands, an 80km round trip and managed to get a few nice shots of some kind of parrot and a finch or wren of sorts ... I'm hopeless on names and IDs of birds. I'll post a few tomorrow morning.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

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