Took these at Gum Swamp near Forbes on Saturday. The main goal was to find a Pink-eared Duck and yay! There were heaps of them.
Pink-eared Duck:
Most of the waterbirds were too far away to get decent shots but I did see this Little Friarbird:
And this Juvenille Peregrine Falcon:
These are all first time sightings for me so please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the ID's.
Gum Swamp, Forbes
Tue, 08/11/2011 - 19:04
Gum Swamp, Forbes
Nice shots, well done getting the Pink-eared Duck. Isn't it great when you target something and actually find it!
Cheers, Owen.
Love the pink eared duck, we got a pink-ear at the same place about four weeks ago, but not nearly such good shots. Also love the Peregrine Falcon, would really like to see one of these. Really nice. I'm jealous.
Well done to find the pink-eared duck. The peregrine falcon photo is fantastic - I have never seen one, but would love to