This morning my jacaranda has been like a circus. The spinebills, lewin's and scarlet honeyeaters have been fighting like crazy! lol I've been trying to get a photo of some of them when they take hold of each other but they are too quick for me. I was happy that I got some photos of a young spinebill and either a female or young male scarlet honeyeater. A black-faced cuckoo shrike also made an appearance! ^_^
Eastern Spinebill
Scarlet Honeyeater
Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike
Good work Elle. Scarlet Honeyeater is great, me very jealous!! One of the best backyard visitors I can imagine!
Looks like a female.
Cheers, Owen.
The reflection of the Jacaranda on the birds makes them have a blue/purple tinge. I would like to see a Scarlet Honeyeater.But I love the Spinebills hanging on the flowers, gorgeous. M-L