Identification 2

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berldo's picture
Identification 2

On the same theme as my last post; I know what this bird is and am happy with the photo however I think half of the appeal of this forum is trying to identify the birds for yourself.... so have a guess at this one! The photo was taken in central victoria.

birdie's picture

Do you have another pic ? That has sent me right through my field guide and back again.

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Ahh, could it be a Female (perhaps a juv as well?) Cresent Honeyeater?

birdie's picture

That's where I was at too Amateur.... trying all the possible variations but couldn't see enough of the bird to be sure. It's fun though and it really makes you look at the different markings etc

Sunshine Coast Queensland

akasha's picture

My guess would be female Crescent Honeyeater.

bushbirdnerd's picture

Hi there Berldo the great egret. I think you definately have a female crescent honeyeater. Below are some juvenile crescents I took last December. You can see they are still awkward looking with some down, not as refined as your kind looking bird pic! Hope I've set you on the right path my friend.

Oxalis is not my friend

bushbirdnerd's picture

Sorry Berldo I just read your post properly, I hope you like my juv pics all the same.

Oxalis is not my friend

birdie's picture

But Bushbirdnerd why doesn't Berldo's have the yellow at the gape and yours doesn't show the brow stripe?

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Isn't that male & female?

bushbirdnerd's picture

My only guess is that they're both juveniles- Berldo's pic definitely a female crescent. I haven't seen a yellow faced honeyeater where I am, they were too small to be a lewin's h-eater. Any other info would be welcome.

Oxalis is not my friend

berldo's picture

My pic is a female cresent :) It had me stumped when I first took it however the give away was when a male cresent honeyeater began to show it special attention... If you know what I mean!

Thanks bbnerd for posting your pics, I was going to post a shot of a male cresent to show the difference between the sexes.

And sorry birdie... I must admit I was trying to stump people when posting this pic, hence giving away only part of its details. It is more rewarding that way when you finally figure out what it is :)

birdie's picture

No worries Berldo.... at least I was on the right bird even if I couldn't confirm it!!!
I find the HEs quite difficult at times, as so many look alike.
You are right tho' it was fun :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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