Innes National Park

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laurius's picture
Innes National Park

And here is the last bit of my vacation - Innes National Park in Yorke Peninsula. I'm already dreaming about next one :)

A couple of Sooty Oystercatchers


Got lunch.

There's something in that Silvereye :)

Hooded Plower.

Teen Emu.

His mother

Pacific Gull

Caught in action.

Well... What can I say, I just love these birds :)

Araminta's picture

:),and I just love mother Emu and son/daughter! Great photos again! M-L


Tazrandus's picture

Wow, I see what you mean about not being tired :O
Love the dynamic shots of the seabirds in flight! The tapered wings of the gull are wonderful and I love how we can see each individual feather in the wings of the oystercatcher.
Keep them coming, these are a great delight to go though. Great quality shots, beautiful subjects. Looking forward to the next :D Thanks for sharing!


Owen1's picture

Awesome shots, all sharp. Well done on those Sooties in flight and the Hoodie. Both very hard to find.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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