Juvenile blue-faced honeyeater

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Juvenile blue-faced honeyeater

Blue-faced honeyeaters like to look for insects etc under the bark of our gum trees

tarkineus's picture

OH WOW! I must look this one up in my "Field Guide to the Birds of Australia"book to see if we have those down here.

Your pictures are very sharp, Birdgirl - what are you shooting with?

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

A Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 + 1.7x teleconversion lens (the one that goes with the camera). They are in northern and eastern Australia, but not in Tasmania. If you would like to see the adults, see my recent posts - the adults have beautiful blue skin around the eyes

GeorgeP's picture

Very nice. The 1.7x TC is proving to be a worthwhile purchase and you have certainly mastered it.


Melbourne, VIC

tarkineus's picture

Thanks Birdgirl. Your Panasonic shoots such good pictures that I thought it had to be a DSLR. That conversion lens would give you a very long reach,; at least 600mm by the old 35mm FF standard I think.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks George, but you haven't seen all the ones I haven't posted! I'm starting to read the books I bought on bird photography, so I can learn more than just what each control does.
Thanks Tark, the camera has a 12x optical zoom (35 mm camera equivalent: 35 mm to 420 m). With the 1.7x teleconversion lens that gives a 35 mm camera equivalent of 714 mm I think. I have had it on the camera since I got it. The minimum focal distance is 5.5 m though, so often at home I am too close to the birds to focus on them.

tarkineus's picture

I almost said 700mm, but thought, surely not! Then that is amazing. Presumably then your camera has image stabilizer?

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

Yes it has an optical image stabilizer, but I am still learning what settings to use. The manual says the stabilizer function may not be effective when the zoom magnification is high and under some other conditions

tarkineus's picture

I'm not familiar with that kind of IS system so I can't help. I am only just getting used to my E-system's in-body IS system that does allow me to shoot handheld with my (140-600mm *35mm equiv.) up to 5EV, but the odd thing is that the IS system should be switched off if the camera is on a tripod. After 3 months I am only just beginning to trust it!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

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