Here are the photos I took this afternoon. People say, King Parrots don't come down from the tree tops to feed on seeds, at my place, they do eat some weeds every afternoon.
..hope you like them as much as I do, M-L
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Great stuff M-L , but at my place they do not come down out of the treetops!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
What an elegance... Great shots!
Nice. With global warming they should arrive in the Mt Lofty Ranges any day now.
How lucky are you to have them around daily! I love the sharpness and detail on the last one.
Cheers, Owen.
Beautiful shots ML. Love the last shot.
Yes! Last one is a stunner! Is it possible a parrot could pout for the camera?
Beautiful bird and photos, the last one is my favourite too.
Brisbane QLD
Such a spectacular colour