Kingfisher and others by the beach

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birdie's picture
Kingfisher and others by the beach

I made it down to the beach again today and found a few obliging subjects though it it still a little quiet compared to the summer months. The Osprey are busy with their juvs and are not venturing to the south side of the river with them , but it will only be 3-4 weeks and I should be able to watch the feeding runs again as I did last year. Can't wait!

Eastern Reef egret with Tern

A beautiful pair of sacred Kingfishers fishing by the sea

Add.... the Spangled Drongos are back!!

Araminta's picture

No wonder you love birding on the Sunshine Coast! (Who woudn't?)What a great set of photos. I love the E-Reef-egret taking off.The pair of sacred Kingfishers are so beautiful in all their amazing colours.Thanks Adrienne, I love all of them! M-L



Beautiful shots Birdie, Love the Kingfisher.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Your photos are beautiful. They make me feel like going to the beach. My favourites are the flight photo and the first one of the kingfisher - great colours

birdie's picture

Thank you guys, the Kingfishers were the highlight...they shone like jewels in the sun.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Owen1's picture

Well done Birdie, nice series and good shots.

Cheers, Owen.

Qyn's picture

Fantastic shots Birdie - lovely egret in flight shot - well captured.

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

jaytee's picture

All beautiful photos, birdie, the Egret taking off and the Kingfishers, especially the first one with those beautiful iridescent blue feathers, are standouts for me.

We had a Kingfisher sitting on our back gate two days in a row this week too far away for me to get a good shot, but I was thrilled to see it there.

Brisbane QLD

birdie's picture

Thanks Jeanne and Qyn...the funny thing was that I had spent ages taking pics of the tree with the water in the background (no birds) as I thought it looked nice, then went looking for the Kingfisher over the other side by the beach no avail. On the way home I walked past the same tree and there they were....two of them ! Shining in the sun so brightly they looked amazing .... birding photography certainly has a good deal of luck involved that is for sure.....right time, right place and camera ready.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

mrtattoo's picture

Thanks once again for your gr8 shots, luv the egret take off.....

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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