Kookaburra and Legless Lizard.

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bushanwater's picture
Kookaburra and Legless Lizard.

Got this one in my own yard a while ago. they are a lot shyer lately unfortunately.

birdie's picture

Great capture Bushy. Looks like a wriggly slimy mouthful that one doesn't it!?


Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

wow I'll second that... GREAT capture. Thanks for sharing.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

guzzi's picture

Hi Trev, very good, well done.



If you don't mind me being a bit finnicky here, but it has legs, though I must say, they're so small I'm surpries if they would support the thing. Nice cap, I have also realised them being a bit shy lately, normally I could walk within a few metres of one, now I can't get within 10 before the fly off.

bushanwater's picture

Your right about the legs on the legless lizard Amateur. They are in fact have legs but no they can't support their body with them so they slither like a snake and are often mistaken for them because you can't see the legs easily. Aparently the Kookaburras don't care what we call them. This is a young bird and was being fed by others in our yard at the time.

See Yez

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