My daughter thinks "I need help", just before the rain started,and again in my PJs, I was out there looking for the Lewin's. I found two, yey!! So they should make some Babies now? Here they are:
singing his heart out:
attacked by a Wattlebird:
this is the smaller bird, do you think it's a female, or could it even be a young one?
this is a "could have been good" photo, if there wasn't something in his face!
enjoy, M-L
Very nice shots again. Good effort to get them in the open. At O'Reilly's in Queensland these birds are so tame they just pose for you but yours are totally wild and so much harder to shoot!
Cheers, Owen.
Beautiful. These are common in Qld (where I grew up) but I think you're probably around the southern / western limit of them?? The book I've just looked up says "e Vic, west to Toolangi-Gembrook, casual Dandenong Ras, south to Strzelecki Ras - Gippsland Lakes".
Must admit I don't really know many of those words!
Do you fit within that? Either way, awesome to have a new bird to welcome to your neighbourhood (especially a lively, charasmatic addition!), well done :)
Oh, my book also says " common in n, uncommon in s ".
Your book has to be right Scott, I do live in Gembrook.I fit just on the outer border. Thanks, but until now I haven't seen or heard one, I'm very happy about it though, thanks for the info. I hope they stay. M-L
Great, fingers crossed! Your garden seems like a perfect spot for them :)
Another lovely capture M-L. I have recently discovered that I have a pair of them permanently in my garden. They have started coming down more often to the tree where I sometimes stick fruit for the catbirds. yesterday they were both there together :')
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I think the babies might have already been made, Araminta. Your 3rd photo looks suspiciously like a young one to me.
I think you might be right Woko, here is a close up:
looks like a baby! M-L
My suspicion is even stronger when cropped, Araminta.