Here's some pics from the local pond, it was overgrown with the noxious plants salvina and alligator weed which the local council sprayed a couple of months back. It's also full of rubbish that people have dumped in there. I worry about how toxic it is to the local birds and animals.
YTBC. He wasn't at the pond but on my back fence. We've had a lot of them hanging around lately and they have a few young ones with them begging for food.
Sorry about the quality of some of the pics, poor old camera is on its last legs but should have my new one early next week.
Right, I wouldn't trust the local council either. But if you are concerned, you can ask what chemicals they used, and how much of it!!!. After all, you payed for it with your rates! Do it in writing ,( ringing won't work). You then have to look it up on the EPA web, or ring them. You can always dob then in on the EPA website, they will love you for it! ( the EPA sends me Christmas Cards every year to thank me.LOL)
Your photos are lovely. I like the fact, that you have YTBC wiyh young, how good is that? M-L
Right, I wouldn't trust the local council either. But if you are concerned, you can ask what chemicals they used, and how much of it!!!. After all, you payed for it with your rates! Do it in writing ,( ringing won't work). You then have to look it up on the EPA web, or ring them. You can always dob them in on the EPA website, they will love you for it! ( the EPA sends me Christmas Cards every year to thank me.LOL)
Your photos are lovely. I like the fact, that you have YTBC wiyh young, how good is that? M-L
Nice selection of shots Triker. You just reminded me that I havent seen a Dollarbird this season yet.
I agree about the local ponds. Our council is always dumping chemicals into them and when I ask the "greening Australia" people who are spraying what they use , it is always ..oh they are not harmful bla bla bla. How can they not be harmful when they decimate everything they spray???? I just can't believe that . In the same stream system they have gutters that say ...." flows to sea do not dump waste"
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I like all your water birds but have to admit my favourite is the YTBC. I love their slow flight and wail
I have never seen a dollar bird (actually I may well have seen one but not known what it is on a trip North). I guess they don't come this far South.
Love the Black cockies!
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Great range. Love the BB Rail. Looks like a good local pond area even if it is modified and full of rubbish!
Cheers, Owen.
Call me paranoid if you like but I wonder if the council is deliberately desecrating this pond so that they can justify it being "reclaimed" for a shopping centre or prime housing development. Watch that space.
While I'm on my soap box, one thing I notice is that when governments & developers talk about developing a swamp or wetland they say they're "reclaiming" it. What a con job that is! Their use of the word "reclaiming" is an attempt to make us believe that someone took the swamp or wetland from them in the first place. If they were honest they'd say they had "claimed" the swamp or wetland, not "reclaimed" it.
There are lots of other uses of language by natural environment destroyers which are an attempt to lull us into a false sense of security. Watch out for them. They need to be exposed.
(Steps from soap box yet again & exits stage right/left).
As a political Activist from way back, I am as paranoid as you are Woko, my eyes and ears are always wide open. I love the way you expose some retorical language, like "reclaiming something", that wasn't yours in the first place.I have to remember this! Tell me some more,perhaps under " social" in a new thread, because we shouldn't use Triker's post. M-L
You're right, Araminta. I'm now moving to "Social" under the thread "Watch Your Language". Apologies to Triker whose valuable post got me fired up!