Lysterfield Lake NP this afternoon

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heva1's picture
Lysterfield Lake NP this afternoon

Hi went to Lysetrfield lake NP for the first time this afternoon, saw a few new species (for me) and lots of grey kangaroos, and swamp wallabies, very cute.
Great Crested Grebe
Black-faced cormorant?takes off


Good shots Hev, your lucky getting the Grebe I have never seen one in the wild,I think you have a little pied cormorant there Hev,the little black cormorant is very similiar.

GeorgeP's picture

Lovely shot of the G-c G and I like the take-off sequence of the Cormorant. Didn't know that we had the Grebe at Lysterfield. Will have to get out there before I go back to work.


Melbourne, VIC

guzzi's picture

Nice shots Hev, is that in Melbourne is it.


heva1's picture

Hi John, yes, Eastern suburbs.
Thanks George, it's a lovely spot popular with mountain bikers but there are nature trails and bike paths and plenty of bushland. Saw several pied currawongs and Grey Shrike Thrushes. The GcG was one of a pair.
Tassie, yes I think you're right -a little pied cormorant, his feet are black as opposed to grey, maybe an immature as he has more black on his face than an adult LPC?

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

heva1's picture

just looking at the other shots of the GcG and realised how long the neck is when extended...almost looks like a different bird!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


Love the grebe, well captured of the LPC taking off, well done Hev.

Mav's picture

Excellent shots of the Grebe.

bushanwater's picture

Awesome bird no matter what Hev. Well done, and thanks for posting.

See Yez

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