Major Mitchell Cockatoo and Black-shouldered Kite

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rjwaring's picture
Major Mitchell Cockatoo and Black-shouldered Kite

Saw these two in between Erldunda and Yulara recently:

Meave's picture

Love the Major Mitchell - we spent ages trying to find one of these, and the photos weren't as good as yours when we got them.


birdie's picture

Nice Richard, those major Mitchells are a pretty bird aren't they?? And the BSK is one good looking BOP too

Sunshine Coast Queensland

mrtattoo's picture

The BOPs are truly majestic birds arent they. nice1, thanks for sharing.....

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.


Nice shots Richard.

Qyn's picture

Shots of birds in flight are always special, thanks for sharing.

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Owen1's picture

Nice shots Richard. I would love to see a Majoutr Mitchell Cockatoo. I have been in their range near Mildura once but I wasn't that into birds then so I didn't go looking for anything.

Cheers, Owen.

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