Male eastern rosella preening

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Male eastern rosella preening

Have to try to do our beautiful regulars justice. Unusual angles show off the black-and-colour feathers


Very nice Birdgirl,Australian parrots are exceptionally coloured and I think we take them for granted until we see them like this.

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdgirl
Very nice shots yours have the gold backs to sorry but I look all the time know there is a difference between the birds here and the ones down south.

tarkineus's picture

This is a very impressive set of pin sharp pictures, Sis. The vivid colors of the Rosellas stand out beautifully against a perfect backdrop. I keep looking at that marvellous horizontal fork he's perched in!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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