Masked Owl...

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Windhover's picture
Masked Owl...

Got this lady spotlighting alone, earlier this year in a forest. She responded to a call I played. Though I tried call playback on many, many nights in the same spot and for only a very short time (One call every 20 seconds or so for around a five minute window) and there was never any response. It took me over six months of weekly (sometimes twice) visits to track this one down. I also took an owl research scientist there the night after and we failed to locate her. :(

Birdgirl2009's picture

Just gorgeous. Your persistence certainly pays off with the BOP

birdie's picture

Very nice... i was thinking that when you are tracking a bird such as this over time you would look for the evidence of pellets wouldn't you?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Beruthiel's picture

Good grief, that's dedication. Though I'd say it's worth it for such a beautiful bird (and a brilliant photo, too)!

Windhover's picture

Thanks for looking everyone. :)
In short, yes, you would be looking for his/her roosts, which are very hard to find even in the day time. So going alone (especially) and at night, I was never keen on getting too far off any track. Even though I know this patch of forest. I guess in time I would, just not yet.

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