I saw these mating Crested Terns today at Newcastle Baths. I was actually looking for some White-fronted or Common Terns but all I saw was this debauchery in public.
1. They circle each other, female is calling continuously.
2. Male jumps on
3. horizontal folk dancing.
I am not too sure about the actual process. I am not too sure how it all happens. doh!
Mating Crested Terns
Fri, 21/08/2009 - 03:41
Mating Crested Terns
Good shots mate.
With 'mrs' getting the tail down I doubt that worked....great shots.
Ed Townsville NQ
That should be 'keeping' the tail down
Ed Townsville NQ
thanks guys.
ed i posted the wrong pic at the end. i had another with the female raising the tail..
here it is.. doh..
Hi Steve, I had checked out the pictures on your blog,it still looks as if they may not have succeeded, she needs to lift and twist, he needs to ....well maybe a graphic discription is not for here.... :-)
Many great pictures here and on your blog, great stuff.
Ed Townsville NQ
Thanks ed, i have very little idea about the mechanics of avian reproduction.
I did not think it would have been successful fertilisation myself..
Seriously good photography Steve, but the public display is ... well, er ... strictly for the birds.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Great sharp shots. Many of the birds seem to be mating - and with the temps set to be 27 and 31 in the next 2 days, I am not surprised.