Here are some swamphens that I see regularly while on my morning walk. The council cleared out the waterway and for a while it looked awful, now all the rushes and reeds have grown and the place is more populated with waterbirds than before.
And here is the Koel chick that has the mummy figbird running round in circles trying to feed it, I finally got to take a camera to catch it.
And here are two Tawnies found in the same trees as I got them last year.
I was quite satisfied with my morning walk :)
Oops! Forgot the Koel chick
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Love the Tawny Frogmouth, they have eluded me except for one time when I was about 8. Nice photos of the purple swamphen. They're ugly but astounding birds.
Hi Birdie, I BET you were happy with your morning walk!! I keep searching for tawny frogmouths, lovely shots. Amateur how can you say the purple swamp hens are ugly?! I love thier purples and red beak.
oh and Birdie, re. the other posting abbout Koel chicks... I don't know either but I'm with tassie, definately another week off for you ... tell 'em you have Koel fever.. highly contagious :)
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Hi Hev and Amateur
Don't worry , those Tawnies have been eluding me for about 10 - 12 months too!! I don't even know what made me look up at the time but there they were!! I had a few locals coming by and wanting to see them too at the time, so it was great for us all.
Re the Swamphen, they are a quirky looking bird and the blues are beautiful. In NZ they call it a Pukeko and it has been made into an art form and people love to have ornaments etc.
Back to work today....koel fever or not!! :'D
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Very nice Birdie. Love the colours on the swamphens. I have a few more days of holidays so I plan to finish and use my portable hide and take my tinny and camera for a drive. Then again I doubt a morning walk at my p-lace woul dfind as many birds as yours do.
See Yez
HI Bushy
At least you have a tinny. Now that I have moved inland to work I have to cross several bridges spanning tidal creeks that flow into Maroochy river. I was just thinking on my way home that I wish I had a tinny to get in amongst the mangroves as there were lots of egrets and herons and other waterbirds there. never mind, when the weather cools off I'll take my camera to work and get into the hedgerows where i can here little finchy /wren type sounds!! I have a pond next to my office and the dragonflies are as big as small birds so maybe I'll switch allegiances for a while!!
Have a good few days off and good luck with the hide.
Sunshine Coast Queensland