Nesting fever

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Nesting fever

I heard galahs screaming and went out to check what was happening. I saw a pair on the galah box AND a pair on the rosella box at the same time. Half an hour later I heard rosellas and saw a pair on the rosella box. There must be something in the air!

Galahs on our galah box

Galahs on our rosella box

Galahs on our rosella box

Female eastern rosella on our rosella nesting box - she is a very bright one - I thought she was the male until I saw him

Male eastern rosella on our rosella nesting box


Way to go Birdgirl,looks like its all happening.

smeedingo2's picture

Excellent Birdgirl they must be happy in your yard.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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