Olive-backed Oriole

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oddkris's picture
Olive-backed Oriole

I wanted to share this picture of an Oriole - it is the first time I have seen one of those beautiful birds in this area (Seaforth, NSW)- the chest colouring suggests this is a male taking his turn feeding the chicks. Unusually, the nest was built only about 4m above the ground in a fairly busy area. At least one of the chicks survived to leave the nest - the birds are still in the area.

oddkris's picture


Tazrandus's picture

Amazing shot! The lighting and focus are spot-on. Probably one of the most spectacular piece of bird photography I've seen! He sure does have a strong olive colour in his plumage.
I remember seeing my first Olive-backed Oriole at Bicentennial Park homebush, they have a vey distinctive call.


GregL's picture

They have a pretty cool call, BIBY says they are also ventriloquists.

birdie's picture

Lovely shot oddkris.... I too saw my first OBO while away before Xmas and they are the loveliest colours .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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