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Woko's picture

I'd just like to say thanks to all you great photographers out their in bird land. It's a real thrill to see so many wonderful shots of all sorts of species, especially those that aren't in my part of Australia. Keep 'em coming!


We agree with you totally Woko, it's great being able to see birds we don't have down here.

Owen1's picture

I ablolutely love seeing shots of birds that I have never seen and also the ones that I have seen. It helps to get to know what new birds look like.

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

I agree with you too, Woko.I just want to add, not only do I love to see the photos, it's all the great advice about other topics !!!Like the environment! There is a lot of knowledge on this forum, one has just to ask! M-L


mrtattoo's picture

damn straight!!!! ive learnt so much since joining this forum, advice, pics, identifications. its really good, thanks!

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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