I went to Point Cook on Wednesday and after drawing a blank at the homestead area (Pied Cormorant was the only species I got shots of) we decided to check out a new lake we had never been to before and it resulted in me getting a Marsh Sandpiper which was new. There were also lots of Red-necked Stints, a couple of Sharp-tailed Sandpiper and Black-fronted Dotterel.
Pied Cormorant
Red-necked Stint
Black-fronted Dotterel
what are you lookin at mate - Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper!
Yellow-rumped Thornbill in low light
Thanks for looking!
Absolutely fantastis Owen, I haven't seen any of those waders yet,(I'm still working on finding all the birds in my own backyard)Just nice and sharp. How close did you get? Are those birds very shy and hard to get close to? Thanks for showing them to us Owen. M-L
Nice shots Owen! I get the sense you are hiding in the reeds at the edge of the lake. Do you sit still and wait for them to come, or do you hike around searching?
Thanks guys. The Stints were quite accomodating and the other waders didn't let me get so close. I had to walk through the thick thistles and sneak up on them with the camera with tripod and all but the pain was worth it!
Cheers, Owen.
Ah, the trials of the inveterate bird photographer, Owen.
I must say I enjoy your shots of these waders as I find them difficult to tell apart.
Since the water level in the River Murray has risen we've lost a wonderful sandbar near the Goolwa barrage which attracted a huge number of waders of various species. There's obviously an upside to the drawdown on the river's water!
Nice selection of waders there Owen! I don't get the opportunity to see them very much.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well done Owen.
What a great collection of wading birds and lovely close photos. I haven't looked at these birds for a few years, but I should because there are good places around here. I get too tunnel-visioned lol