While I was waiting for the whistling kites I enjoyed watching and listening to all the other birds. I saw a lot of red-rumped parrots there today. I think the first pair were at a nesting hollow - I'll have to watch it over the next few months
Red-rumped parrots
Sun, 26/07/2009 - 06:38
Red-rumped parrots
Looks to be a very pretty bird - I don't think we see this parrot in Tassie. thanks Birdgirl.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
I saw a few of these at the university swamp today.
I thought i was looking at an escaped bird until i saw the red rump..
Great bird the Red Rumps, you are lucky to have them down there Birdgirl. I have seen them in QLD at Goondiwindi on the NSW/QLD border and up as far as Moonee a couple of hours Nth of Goondiwindi they are the only places I have seen them in QLD.
Thanks for sharing.
HI Birdgirl
Top shot of a pretty little parrot.
PS; I've ordered the steel pipe for my possum free nest boxes will be up soon.
Thanks everyone
smeedingo2 - good on you - I hope you get some takers and some great photos too. You'll get far more enjoyment out of watching them than you ever expected and learn heaps about them, like what all their different calls mean
HI Bird girl
Can't wait. I'm Thinking of buting bat boxes half way up to.