It has taken me so long to get a half decent pic of the rufous fantail. There were two fighting and one landed right in front of me. I only got to take two photos before it flew away and the first one was blurry, so here is the less blurry one :)
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Well done Elle, congratulation. I have just come inside afer giving up on a Rufous Fantail. I used to have them for years, but none last year. When I saw one, I got very excited, but I didn't get close enough.I will try again tomorrow.
What a great photo you have taken. I only ever saw them from the back, flying away from me.LOL I had no idea they looked so pretty.Was it singing? Do they sound similar to the Grey Fantails? Thanks Elle, your photo made my day. M-L
I am the same as Araminta, all I have is a blurred shot of its orange rump as it leaves the scene. Your shot is startling Elle. Well done!
Thankyou. It was fighting with another Rufous Fantail so its call was a little angry but it still sounded as pretty as it looked. They sound similar to Grey Fantails, from what I have heard. I haven't heard them make the squeaky sound that the Grey Fantails make though. I normally get photos of the back of them as well which is why I was so excited about this one lol.
Great catch Elle..... I never have any luck with them even though I can be surrounded by the little buggers..they are too fast for me this year !!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I think it's a really good shot of a very pretty bird. Well done
Thanks. It has become one of my favourite birds ^_^ I'm still trying to get more shots of them but they move around so quickly! They certainly make us work hard to get a decent picture of them!! lol
It is better than a half-decent shot. Nice that you captured him calling,too. I gave up on this species a loooooong time ago. Nice work.
Melbourne, VIC