Rufous Fantail

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Elle's picture
Rufous Fantail

It has taken me so long to get a half decent pic of the rufous fantail. There were two fighting and one landed right in front of me. I only got to take two photos before it flew away and the first one was blurry, so here is the less blurry one :)

Araminta's picture

Well done Elle, congratulation. I have just come inside afer giving up on a Rufous Fantail. I used to have them for years, but none last year. When I saw one, I got very excited, but I didn't get close enough.I will try again tomorrow.
What a great photo you have taken. I only ever saw them from the back, flying away from me.LOL I had no idea they looked so pretty.Was it singing? Do they sound similar to the Grey Fantails? Thanks Elle, your photo made my day. M-L


michaelrt71's picture

I am the same as Araminta, all I have is a blurred shot of its orange rump as it leaves the scene. Your shot is startling Elle. Well done!

Elle's picture

Thankyou. It was fighting with another Rufous Fantail so its call was a little angry but it still sounded as pretty as it looked. They sound similar to Grey Fantails, from what I have heard. I haven't heard them make the squeaky sound that the Grey Fantails make though. I normally get photos of the back of them as well which is why I was so excited about this one lol.

birdie's picture

Great catch Elle..... I never have any luck with them even though I can be surrounded by the little buggers..they are too fast for me this year !!!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

I think it's a really good shot of a very pretty bird. Well done

Elle's picture

Thanks. It has become one of my favourite birds ^_^ I'm still trying to get more shots of them but they move around so quickly! They certainly make us work hard to get a decent picture of them!! lol

GeorgeP's picture

It is better than a half-decent shot. Nice that you captured him calling,too. I gave up on this species a loooooong time ago. Nice work.


Melbourne, VIC

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