Rufous Night Heron

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Meave's picture
Rufous Night Heron

Got this one at Calieul Lagoon near Condamine - had a juvenile with the adult, the juvenile not such a clear pic and of course they like it dark anyway. Still, pleased to get the photo.

Meave's picture

Here's the adult. Bit clearer than the juvenile.


heva1's picture

beautiful shot. Lucky to spot them during the day, perhaps the juveniles less shy. Thanks for sharing

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

Birdgirl2009's picture

There are a handsome bird, aren't they? I'll have to check a site around here if the juveniles are around at the moment

timrob's picture

Nice pix ... another one that I have not had the pleasure of seeing yet.

Owen1's picture

Great find and nice pics. I have only seen this species once ever and it was an adult bird.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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