Bruny Island, last November. Male bird guarding nest.
Sadly, a tremendous storm blew the nest out of the sky before the chics could fly. They died. Nature can also be cruel.
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Good on you mate nice series of shots, real shame about the chicks dying though .
Thanks Tassie. Yes, it was a shame, I was hoping to get some shots of the junior being taught to fly by the parents. Maybe this year if I can find their nest on Bruny.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
A great series of shots. Thanks for supplying the details - it makes the story more interesting. It is so sad that the chicks died - I hope the parents have better luck this year. One year we had magpie larks in one of our gum trees. They built the nest about 4 times and it kept getting destroyed. I don't know if they got to the stage of chicks hatching
Yes, life can be tough especially for birds. As said, birding is a new interest for me and the more I learn the more I empathise with them. Thanks for your interest, Birdgirl.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
A nice series of photo's., Tark. Thanks for the notes which add to the images. They are such a majestic creature.
Melbourne, VIC
Thanks George. Majestic they are, and I'm still trying to work out what the bird photographer's skill to luck ratio is!
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour