I don't blame you (Wildflower) for not finding the one outside your window at Lamington. Three months ago we had this female, her mate and a third owl all trilling, carrying on like you would not believe and we had a hard time finding them at all. In fact, I only managed a few short glimpses high in the canopy. :-(
I don't think I've posted this photo here yet, if I did, please forgive me. Hopefully she will grace a calendar page in 2012. It is on a shortlist for sure. :-)
To see this image bigger, check out my Barn Owl gallery here:
Awwwwwwwww!!! Lovely, thanks for sharing!! (-: What a fantastic shot!
How lucky are you!! I've heard they are so hard to even see let alone shoot.
Cheers, Owen.
What a gorgeous photo. And such a priviledge to see a sooty owl
The not so good news is that there was no sign of them at this hollow, which we thought was the nest I found late February, when we visited on Saturday. It is likely they didn't nest, or they have fledged a young owl between my last visit on May 29 and now. But at that time we were not sure whether there was an egg or young owl as all behaviors and visits seemed to conclude that there were the adults and one other owl, perhaps a young from a previous year or an intruding owl. Who knows? I hope to see them again soon. WIll check back every month or so. There were, however, possible Powerful Owls nesting further down the valley, which we heard calling after dark (male and female - Rod already knows Holly BTW) and we will revisit to look for likely nest trees and daytime roosts.
Beautiful shot, Akos. I love the way you captured it at the hollow.
Melbourne, VIC