Southern BooBook in Lawson

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mrtattoo's picture
Southern BooBook in Lawson

Went Bush walking today & out of the blue we came across This lovely Southern Boobook.

Windhover's picture

Nice to see a Boobook in the day. Lucky you. :-) I have only seen and photographed these at night. Love your Swamp Harrier avatar. Where did you photograph that?

mrtattoo's picture

cheers windhover, id luv to say in the wild re Swamp Harrier, but unfortunately i took the pic in an open aviary in fiji a few weeks ago. Their was Harriers, Goshawks & even a pair of Peregrine Falcons. ive posted some pics of the other birds i saw aswell, some were in the wild & other in aviary. To be honest i was very sad to see all these wonderful birds in aviaries. cheers daz

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Araminta's picture

I only hear them in the bush behind us, there are two or three calling out to eachother every night. But I'm not brave enough to go out the back in my PJs at night to find them. How did you see them during the day? Lots of people do, can you give me some hints, how I can find some?? M-L You won't believe it, I just heard one now. I should take a torch and go outside now, but I'm scared of....? How lucky you were to have found them! M-L


mrtattoo's picture

Well ML, it was just pure luck. I didnot expect to see a SBB at all, so yes i am very very lucky. It did come out of a small over hang in a rock face about 10 mtrs high, so i think that it might rest around their through the day. ill check it again through the week & see if its there again. cheers daz

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Birdgirl2009's picture

How lovely. I saw one last year, on a wet road. It flew onto a low fence and I got a good look, but alas, no camera

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