Hi All,
A pair of Swallows took up resident at my daughters about 4 months ago. One will sit in the next the other outside on the rafter of the patio.
A couple of weeks back I was told they had some yound ones in there. Today I got some video on the next & parent birds coming & going, I will post that to my YouTube channel later, but a few photos in the mean time.
Hopefully I got the links right.
Yep stuffed up.
[img] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHKT1hm9YI/AAAAAAAAKAQ/MkHL1cv0T18/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%206.jpg [/img]
[img] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHKahObt9I/AAAAAAAAKAU/YaRcqG_Ff-M/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%207.jpg [/img]
[img] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHKnBePVOI/AAAAAAAAKAc/56HGIzj0F4Q/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%2011.jpg [/img]
[img] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHKzyfsiZI/AAAAAAAAKAk/JD-TPQIMnCU/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%2015.jpg [/img]
[img] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHLRya_N6I/AAAAAAAAKA0/hFnEC8GMURk/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%2020.jpg [/img]
[img] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SrHLX01umxI/AAAAAAAAKA4/qtr0QtqMMSI/s128/Grabbed%20Frame%2022.jpg [/img]
well, try again,
Good on you Commish, thanks for posting.
See Yez
Cool shots, thanks.