Thornbill ID

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bushbirdnerd's picture
Thornbill ID

Please ID these thornbills, I have some idea, but aren't sure. What do you think Berldo, by the way I think yours is a brown thornbill that you posted the other day (maybe striated!)

berldo's picture

Hey birdnerd. I posted a more comprehensive reply in the identifications section.

In order from top photo to bottom I would say: Brown thornbill.... less marking than a striated and no obvious eyebrow. Its eye looks dark which would rule out a buff rumped thornbill.

The next two I identify as striated thornbills although the second one is a little more difficult to identify due to the wet feathers.

The last photo is difficult and I change my mind everytime I look at it! Rule out a brown or buff rumped straight away. Potentially a yellow rumped but seems to lack a little colouration on the head. Initially I would have said striated (and I think I did in the identification forum) however looking at the size comparison I am beginning to lean towards Yellow thornbill...

I think my photo is a striated thornbill.... but it could be a brown!!!!! I just think the markings are too distinctive and therefore I am leaning closer to striated.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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