Visitors last night

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Lyn's picture
Visitors last night

Just a couple of very quiet visitors last night.

Male White-backed Magpie

New Holland Honeyeater

tarkineus's picture

Ah Lyn, you did good! Nice shots of both.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour


Nice crisp shots there Lyn,well done,what gear are you using?

GeorgeP's picture

Nice sharp close-ups of these two birds, Lyn. Share with us your secret of getting those New Hollands to sit still for more than a millisecond.


Melbourne, VIC

smeedingo2's picture

HI Lyn
Nice photos Lyn I like the Magpie.

Lyn's picture

Ta all.
Tassie: The new pride and joy - Olympus E520 with the 70-300mm lens. Like a kid with a new toy!

GeorgeP: This little guy was mesmerised with me for some reason (natural charm??) and sat still for a change - seriously - plant Grevilleas, Grevilleas, and more Grevilleas!! Even the Wattlebirds will come down to ground level to the Prostrate Grevilleas and practically ROLL around in delight. Just one Grevillea in your yard should bring them in.

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