They are back!!! They must have evicted the lttle bats, that had moved into their old nest under my carport.The bats had poked a hole in the bottom of the nest to create their own entrance. I hope they will stay, and have some young!!
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Just one question, how can you tell the difference between male and female Welcome Swallows?
I just had a good look at their old nest. I'm not sure they will repair it? It has a big hole,I think? Hard to see, because it's in a rather dark corner. . I haven't seen them for some hours either.I hope they'll come back.
Beautiful photos, that little hint of orange against the brilliant blue sky is amazing. I hope they do come back and nest in your carport.
Brisbane QLD
Nice shots especially the wing held out. I don't think there is any difference between genders.
Cheers, Owen.
Thanks for the nice comments! I haven't seen them all afternoon. Sad!!
There is some good news on the Welcome swallows, they have repaired the nest. I've been watching them all morning,(no work done!LOL). Right now they are picking up dog hair.I would like to know,at what speed they are flying? First they fly one turn around a tree, then they dive down at lightning speed, to pick up the hair from the ground, while still in flight. They must have been watching me when I brushed the dog.I'm amazed how fast they are building the nest. Maybe it is urgent??? The girl says, hurry up man!!!